Sunday, 30 July 2017

How to install GST HotFix in Ax 2009 and 2012R3

How to install GST HotFix in Ax 2009 and 2012R3.

1.       Download GST patch from given link.

3.       Download gst GA Release. According to you Ax.
4.       Also download GST configuration.
5.       Once you download extract that file.
6.       In ax 2012 r3 you will receive 3 files.

·         Before installing anything remember stop that aos where you going to install GST.

7.       Now first open App, while opening App file it will extract  into seprate files and exe.
Run axupdate exe from application.
1.       Select language.
2.       Next.
3.       Accept and continua.
4.       Next it will ask for database where you want to gst update.
5.       Next it will chack conflict. Next.
6.       Now when it will start update, then it will take some time.

After installing application.
It is time to install kernel.
When you open kernel it will extract into seprate file and exe.
Now run the that exe.
After install this kernel patch.

Times to start compile.

Go to cmd and type this command (according to you ax path and AOS id) as administrator

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MSAX2012\bin>axbuild.exe xppcom
pileall /s=03"

then it will start compiling according to you server RAM, it will take time.
Once it done. Then you will see compiling complete massagae in cmd.
Start your AOS.
And open your AX. Once you open it will give you massage.

the model store has been modified.

Skip this and check and GL module . here you will see all the update forms.

in setup -> sales tax -> india 

"as you know that this GST is application in GST then it will show in india only in tax."

Now generate full CIL and synchronize. And use gst accorging to functionality.  

if any one want help in functional of GST please let me know.


Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Barcode in AX 2012 SSRS REPORT

Barcode in AX 2012 SSRS REPORT

Barcode report , I am going to use RDP. This is the basic code you can use in your code according to your requirement.

Step 1: create Temp Table

Step 2 : Now Create Contract Class For Parameter.

Steps 3 : create Data Process Class for Logic. And use temp table and logic


Then open VB and select project -> select report - > add datasets -> data source type -> RDP -> then select your  -> create DP Class.

Then add in design -> precision Design - > select you field -> then run-> take item in parameter field and run
Output :



Sunday, 14 May 2017

Getting Started With Power BI Desktop

Getting Started With Power BI Desktop: Installation

Today i am going to Talk about Power BI, i know it is too late but what to do, you know when you met with new technology and it is necessary learn that , then only you do, that's what i do.

so in this tutorial i am going Tell How Power BI works,

Remember : Power BI will not alow on personal account
you should sign in when you have work or office Account of Microsoft.

In my case i have Microsoft Account. so before doing anything make and account. in this case i m guessing you have a account.

Step 1 : download Microsoft Power BI Desktop from this link

Step 2 : once you download then install


Step 3 : Accept All Aggrement. Next

Step 4:  Choose the Location Where you want to Save , Next

Step 5: Now Click On Install

Step 6:  Lets Wait.

Step 7: Finally it is finished to use

Step 8 : Double click on the finished Power BI program to use.

Step 8: final step, it is look like this when all install


In the Second Part We Will Learn how to work on that.



Sunday, 16 April 2017

An invalid directory structure for Microsoft Dynamics AX was detected

Error : "An invalid directory structure for Microsoft Dynamics AX was detected"

Today I met this problem , I was configuring my another company ax in window 7 in 64 bit. Everything was right but when I ran my file it shows this error. After the google search I found solution let me share with you.
Have you notice that when you system is 32 bit then you will have only program file in c: drive where your configuration file save.
If your system is 64 bit then your configuration file save in program files (x86)
Now you have to notice that, where actually your ax confirmation file save. In program files or program files (x86).
And that’s it you have to mention that.
You can solve this problem by two ways

Solution 1. Use note pad . open you files in note pad. And change the path like I changed
If your system is 64 bit than you have to change path
If your system 32 bit then you have to change path
After changing in note pad save configuration.
Solution 2 : by registry run -> regedit. And find the path and change in it.


Thank you

Friday, 27 January 2017

Error : The default login company does not exist.

Hi guys,

Today i have installed AX 2012 R3 in my system, and create one legal entry and default that legal entities , but unfortunately i have deleted my legal entity without changing default company to previous one. Because of that i am getting this error , whenever i am trying to open AX.

Solution : solution is very simple, you have to make change in AX configuration utility.

Server manager -> tool - >microsoft dynamic Ax 2012 Configuration

Select your configuration then -> general -> fill company name -> DAT(which is default company name) -> then save as you configuration.


Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Error : Error Message: Assembly containing type Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Tools.DMF.ServiceProxy.DmfEntityProxy is not referenced.
Object 'CLRObject' could not be created

Today while implementing Ax , i came across with is error when i want to use data import export framework module and open data import/export framework parameter.

Then i google it, i found that i have not install these,

Then i install it from AX setup and after stop the services,

reference from:


Tuesday, 24 January 2017

The Specified client configuration does not contain valid WCF setting

Error : The Specified client configuration does not contain valid WCF setting.


Solution :  go to control panel find Administrative tool -> find Microsoft dynamic AX 2012 configuration

Now select your configuration -> connection -> click on Refresh Configuration
When it get refresh then select configure Services it will warning -> read it then OK

Then File -> save then close this window


Now go to manage - > then again SAVE as your configuration for update that you change or refresh.

Then APPLY and OK  -> open that saved .Exc
