Sunday, 16 April 2017

An invalid directory structure for Microsoft Dynamics AX was detected

Error : "An invalid directory structure for Microsoft Dynamics AX was detected"

Today I met this problem , I was configuring my another company ax in window 7 in 64 bit. Everything was right but when I ran my file it shows this error. After the google search I found solution let me share with you.
Have you notice that when you system is 32 bit then you will have only program file in c: drive where your configuration file save.
If your system is 64 bit then your configuration file save in program files (x86)
Now you have to notice that, where actually your ax confirmation file save. In program files or program files (x86).
And that’s it you have to mention that.
You can solve this problem by two ways

Solution 1. Use note pad . open you files in note pad. And change the path like I changed
If your system is 64 bit than you have to change path
If your system 32 bit then you have to change path
After changing in note pad save configuration.
Solution 2 : by registry run -> regedit. And find the path and change in it.


Thank you

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